
Continuous sealing machine

Suitable for sealing composite film bags and thin single-layer film bags
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  • Release time : 2024-02-28
  • Detailed Description

TY-DF continuous sealing machine

Suitable for sealing composite film bags and thin single-layer film bags

Bag size is below A4 paper

(If it exceeds this size, it can still be used, but someone needs to hold the bag together)

Power supply: 220V , 665W

Sealing speed: 40-60 pieces / min

Machine weight: about 24KG

Standard machine edge width 10MM

Wide-edge models can be customized, with widths up to 27MM

Narrow bezel models can also be customized, 3MM narrower

url : https://en.tongyongauto.com/product/223.html
Keywords : Sealer

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